Here’s a midweek thought for ya:
Think back to the beginning of 2020. It was a fresh year, and everyone was just getting the wheels rolling for their annual goals. Most of the world was unaffected by the invisible enemy.
What were your goals for 2020?
Mine were to learn a new skill to improve my craft, gig more to reach a wider audience, and release an album.
Now be honest, how many of you pushed your goals aside as soon as a wrench was thrown in your spoke?
At first - it crossed my mind too. But then I picked up that wrench and used the tool to my advantage. Then, I adjusted my speed to brace for the terrain ahead of me 💪
I can proudly say that I still accomplished my 2020 goals:
My new skill was video editing, which has been a HUGE help in sharing a piece of me with you fine folks every week 🎥
Although more gigging didn’t happen, I switched to live stream videos (kinda the same thing), and it allowed me to reach more people then I could have imagined!
And last but certainly not least, although delayed, I released my album “Demands & Desires” 😎
I don’t tell you this to gloat about my success, but to hopefully INSPIRE you to create your own light in moments of darkness. Life might never go the way you planned, but it’s what YOU do with the moments you’re given - that define the direction it goes.